Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Still in Sweden

Yes i am back to write some more for you but still no beutiful pics but i will go to Stockholm on saturday and then the Camera will work...

Dont have much time to write here because of all the traveling around Sweden and Denmark but when the vacation is over i have lots of storys to tell.
Friday night will be Crazy when my friend Pontus girlfriend Lina turn 30-years young.

See you all next week but first a wonderful weekend in Stockholm and there i will see some very old friends that i have not seen for some years. I cant wait.

Take care and big hugs to my friends i miss you.


IT-Administrator said...

Hehe.. alltid kul att träffa på bekanta som man inte träffat på länge! Kuls om fan kan det vara.

Hoppas du har fottat massa där borta vill se hur det ser ut i .se nu för tiden :| Saknar det lite ..

Glöm inte Räksalladen och köp gärna med dig lite makrill tebax också :)